The Pears family presented the windows to Waverly in memory of Thomas Clinton Pears Sr., who died in 1926. His son, Thomas Clinton Pears Jr., was pastor of Waverly from 1923 to 1933—the time when the current church was built at the corner of Forbes and Braddock avenues.
The windows, organized into the North, South, East, and Chancel sections of the church, follow stories of faith and the Bible. Many a child—and adult—have delighted in finding familiar characters and not-so-familiar items in the windows, such as a butterfly, 99 sheep, a lion, a harp, an upside-down cross, a mummy, an eagle, a beehive, a bag of money, a squirrel, and even a severed head. Waverly has designed a Sunday School curriculum based on the windows.
R. Toland Wright of Cleveland created the windows and was eager to show off his work in Pittsburgh, so he offered Waverly a discounted price. He and his workers handled each piece of glass at least 14 times before completing a window, which highlights the intricate craftsmanship used in the process.

Order Greeting Cards
Photos of 12 of the windows are offered on 12-card packs of greeting cards for $15.
Order by emailing admin@waverlychurch.org. Proceeds go to the church’s mission and ministry.