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…here in this place, new light is streaming…

stained glass line

Sunday Mornings

Sunday Worship

  • 11 am – After Labor Day through Memorial Day
  • 10 am – After Memorial Day through Labor Day

Sunday School

  • 10 am – After Labor Day through Memorial Day
  • No Sunday School – After Memorial Day through Labor Day
  • Lessons and open discussion for all ages, encouraging various interpretations and experiences while seeking to increase our understanding of and connection to God.
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During worship, we:

  • Appreciate preaching that includes story-telling, humor, and relating our Biblical and denominational heritage to contemporary life.
  • Enjoy community by passing the peace, sharing our joys and concerns during worship, and socializing at coffee hour after worship.
  • Celebrate life events with baptisms, confirmations, ordinations, commissioning and installations of our elected leaders.
  • Encourage participation of all ages by serving as liturgists, song-leaders, acolytes, musicians and speakers.

We celebrate the Lord’s Supper weekly; all are welcome to the table at Waverly.

Miss a sermon?  Visit our audio archives.

Inclusive and Welcoming Worship

At Waverly, we believe all live and worship in different ways, and we support everyone in their ability to connect with God. In addition to child care and regular pews, we have a special area in our sanctuary called “Wiggles and Wonder” where children, families, and individuals can have a more tactile experience while participating in our service.

We encourage movement and sound and respect and empower parents and guardians to make decisions for their children as it pertains to their safety and worship participation.

Special Services

In addition to following the liturgical calendar, Waverly’s creative worship team offers several special services throughout the year, including:

  • Homecoming Sunday, celebrating renewal after the summer months 
  • World Communion Sunday, connecting us with our siblings across the globe 
  • Advent services, with special collections for local nonprofits
  • Blue Christmas, a quieter, meditative service for those in grief on the longest night of the year 
  • Christmas Eve, with our annual, joyous nativity play
  • Ash Wednesday, preparing our hearts and minds for Lent
  • Maundy Thursday, a special meal and service
  • Good Friday, stations of the cross and a more somber tenebrae service
  • Easter and Pentecost, gala celebrations
  • Special music Sundays, featuring Bluegrass, Soul, U2charist and more


From traditional hymns to gospel, classical to rock, Christian contemporary to blue grass, our music embraces not only our own representative cultures, but those which influence, challenge, and shape us. Waverly music focuses on building community through fellowship and fun, and creating incredible music together.

More Info
summer music - letting the spirit move us in music
stained glass line